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Reducing the pressure on contact centres through enabling customer self-service

Contact Centres are an organisation’s gateway to their customers often acting as the primary point of communication for many consumers. The contact centre is, therefore, the key to delivering exceptional experiences to customers and as a result maintaining a brand reputation and longevity. Yet, often a customer’s experience of these interactions can fail to meet their expectations with lengthy waiting times and time to issue resolution. 

It is important to note, that this is, in the vast majority of cases not the fault of the contact centre staff, but more the result of the volume of calls and interactions they are expected to handle on a daily basis. This volume means that they are constantly on the ‘back foot’ when it comes to reducing call waiting times and ticket resolution and takes them away from focusing on more sensitive or critical customer issues. Resulting in not only unhappy customers but also low morale across support teams. 

Transforming processes with Intelligent Automation

Intelligent Automation has long been heralded as the solution for customer service processes, with technologies such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Intelligent Document Processing enabling organisations to streamline and deliver time savings to their back-office processes, such as extracting data and actioning application forms. With front-end processes and customer contact more traditionally being supported by chatbot technology.

Chatbots are effective when it comes to responding to a simple question, removing some inbound traffic to a contact centre team, however, when a customer has a more complex query or needs to perform an action, such as updating their personal information, they are still required to speak with a human or send an email. Generally, speaking these sorts of questions or requests make up the vast majority of the interactions that a contact centre deals with. 

Conversational AI

But there is a solution to help reduce the pressure on contact centres by enabling customers to more effectively self-serve and manage their requests without the need for human support. 

 Conversational AI is the next evolution of chatbots, providing enhanced capabilities through its utilisation of Machine Learning and Natural Language Understanding and in the case of Humley’s solution, actionability through integrations with RPA and internal business systems. 

These capabilities mean that Conversational AI Assistants can respond to a far greater variety of and complexity of customer requests, deploying AI to understand the true meaning and intent of an interaction, delivering personalised and meaningful interactions in seconds. Secure integrations mean that Assistants can interact with systems to support the retrieval and update of information live in a conversation enabling users to perform the tasks that they need – when they need it. 

Conversational AI Assistants provide customers with a unified hub for all their information that is available 24/7. Significantly improving experiences and engagement with a brand and freeing up contact centre staff to spend time with the customers that really need it. 


If you would like to find out more about how Conversational AI Assistants could transform your customer experience, get in touch today or find out more by exploring our Contact Centre solutions.

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